It has been a busy month for! The events kept happening after the Rose City Comic Con, of which you have seen the recap from that show (hopefully). Things kept rolling with the first Olympic Collectible Expo, and Geek Girl Con days later.
Before we get into the photo recap from the two conventions, I have a special announcement for an event of our own. The Comic Book Swap Meet returns early 2015. January 31st to be exact. More details will be announced as things fall into place. This will be our biggest show here on the Olympic Peninsula yet. Just another step towards building our own nerd con here in our corner of the world. Check out the post from the last Comic Book Swap Meet back in August
HERE! Stay tuned for the latest!
The first Olympic Collectible Expo took place on October 4th in silverdale, Washington. It's basically Kitsap county's version of the Comic Book Swap Meet. The show was a little under attended, but has a ton of potential. I'm going to get more involved in the promotion and development this event in the future. I look forward to working with Anthony, from Avalon Comics, and the rest of the promoters of this event....By the way, if you dont know, Avalon Comics, which happens to be my favorite shop, is located in the Kitsap Mall in Silverdale, WA! If your ever in the region, pop in and say hi. Tell em I sent you! Enjoy the pics from the show (sorry about the timestamps on the photos, I kind of spaced out)... |
Here is Avalon's table at the OCE. They had a lot of great stuff! |
Here is my good friend Blythe's booth. She does some really kick ass painted glassware, with nerdy themes! Check out her Etsy shop: She does do custom commissions!! |
Some of Blythe aka Nerdy Chan's glassware... |
Vendors...Lots of comic books...We love comics. |
Veregge doing a little shopping. |
Did I mention that Lauderdale Cosplay and shared a table at the show to promote ourselves? Here's Lauderdale having a little fun with us. Go follow her on Facebook and watch for her print store to open soon. Be sure to drop her a line and say hi. She has a ton of potential and I 100% support and endorse Lauderdale in her cosplay endeavors. |
Lauderdale enjoying a little down time. Playing League Of Legends. |
If you follow this page, or attended the last Comic Book Swap Meet, you probably remember John Campbell. He's working on a Comic Book that we should see in the not too distant future. You will definitely hear about it here. |
John busy at work on some fantastic sketches. Go friend him on Facebook to keep up on his art and what he's got going on. Watch for him at a show in your area too. |
JEFFREY VEREGGE! This guy is blowing up. He is one of my current comic artists. He has been doing cover art for series like IDW's Judge Dredd and G.I. Joe as of late, with a ton of other huge projects. He also might just be joining us at the Comic Book Swap Meet in January! I can't be more excited to have him on the show, and to call him a friend. Great artist, and even nicer guy. Go look at his website at and go back and see our interview we did earlier this year if you haven't already here:
Overall this was a fun show. I'm hoping for a better turn out at the next one. I'm ready to put some work in to make it happen! |
Though I was only able to make it one day to Geek Girl Con (October 11-12, 2015 at the Convention Center in Seattle) , I had a blast. I didn't expect a huge turnout because this show took place the same weekend as New York Comic Con, but .... |
THEY HAD A HUGE TURNOUT as you can see from this photo! |
Vendor hall was packed... |
Busy busy... |
Luckily I had time to check out my friends Abi Sue Cosplay and Kit Cosplay's panel on building costumes and props with Worbla. You all know Kit from her monthly column she writes for us here on New post from Kit should be here very soon, as a matter of fact. |
The hall filled up for Abi and Kit's "Working With Worbla" panel...The panel was very informative. I felt inspired to design something and I don't cosplay! |
speaking of cosplay.... |
There were a ton of amazing costumes at Geek Girl Con. If anyone knows who any of these cosplayers are, send me their info. I'd like to connect to them! |
Exterminate!!! |
This Iron Man suit was excellent! |
This guy put a ton of time and work into this. |
This was very cool. Check out the axe! AMAZING! |
Beautiful Xena cosplay! |
Superb Captain America. The shield was awesome! Like I said, if you know any of these cosplayers, get me connected. I'd like follow their work. |
This show was fantastic. I personally would have enjoyed more media guests and was bummed about Holly and Jessica from Crabcat Industries cancelling their appearance, but nonetheless had a great time. I had media badges for the show, but unfortunately had to cut my day short due to travel schedule and fatigue, but I hope to cover Geek Girl Con more thoroughly next year. It would be my pleasure.
Stay tuned for Comic Book Swap Meet info, coverage of the Bellingham Comic Con, and some great interview with some awesome guests...along with Kit's column and some great comic reviews from Joe David Thompson.
Until next time...
Strout is the media mastermind behind this site, host of the Comic Book
Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book
reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a
normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his
promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the
creator/producer of the Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will
make it's big return in 2015). Follow him on Instagram at, and He can be reached for comments at on twitter at @thestevestrout