Sunday, June 2, 2024

Cool Projects 45

It's time for another Cool Projects post from yours truly. This time, here in 45, were gonna do a couple "mini-reviews" of some recent stuff I've had the pleasure of viewing in the recent weeks. I've watched quite a variety, as you'll see.

After checking these reviews out, share this post. Let's spread the word about these great films and help get em seen!

I also want to mention really fast, that my podcast, The Steve & Crypto Show, can now be heard on YouTube, so be sure to subscribe to our channel at We also have lots of merch and a Patreon page where you can support the podcast and help us grow. Ok, with that being said, let's get to my ramblings.

Let's go! 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Steve & Crypto Show Episodes 139-143

It's time for another edition of "Let's Catch You Up" on my podcast, The Steve & Crypto Show!

This batch will cover episodes 139 to 143, and includes a ton of awesome stuff including previews and recaps for a couple conventions in our region, and a LOT of awesome guests including Richard and Anastasia Elfman (yes of THE Elfman family), comic creators Cammry Lapka and Ken Carlson, Filmmakers Ron Ford, Joe Sherlock, and Danny Nightmare,  and a visit from the star of Gremlins 1 and 2, Zach Galligan!

This was a fun stretch of episodes, which we hope you've already listened to. If you did, enjoy em again, and spread the word!

Dig in:

Be sure to stop by The Steve & Crypto Show merch shop at, where we run sales often.  We are also coming up on episode 150 of The Steve & Crypto Show and want to do something special. Give us some ideas for that milestone episode. 

Besides this site, I dabble in voice acting/voiceover work, regularly contribute to genre magazines, and am best known for co-hosting a Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Award Nominated podcast called the Steve & Crypto Show. We cover pop culture and horror, with an emphasis on promoting and supporting creators, whether you're making movies, comic books, art, or anything else that pertains to horror, pop culture, and nerdy stuff! 

Listen and subscribe to The Steve & Crypto Show at or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.

I'm not as cool as I aspire to be...

Keep checking back in here too! I have lots more going on to share with you all...

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Cool Projects 44

 So, I've been fortunate enough lately to have studios and filmmakers send me films to screen and review, and though I'm not the best reviewer, I appreciate the opportunity, and chance to grow my "reviewing chops".  I'd love to check out and review your films (time permitting), so keep sending them. If you have a movie you want me to check out and cover here, and maybe on The Steve & Crypto Show, reach out. 

With that said, here on Cool Project 44, I'm doing a mini review for a, new indie horror film from an up and coming director..Lets go!

Lets dig in to Cocaine Roach, from filmmaker Robert Parham.

If you thought the drugged and intoxicated animal craze in indie horror was done, think again. Jersey filmmaker, Robert Parham, brings us a whole new take on the sub-genre, that lives on like....well...roaches. 

Cocaine Roach follows two friends in need of a few bucks, so they agree to deliver a parcel to a safe house. "Not just any parcel", but one with multiple kilos of cocaine, delivered to "not just any house", but one with a cockroach infestation...And these critters have a taste for that booger sugar (when's the last time someone said "booger sugar" in a review?). Chaos and hilarity ensues when the drugged up bugs go on a murderous rampage, and start taking out the dealers. Sound fun enough for ya? 

Silliness aside, Cocaine Roach delivers where a lot of the "high animal" stories don't. The film is more than just a gimmick. There are some really dramatic relationship issues that need resolving, and the classic enemies overcoming differences to provide strength in numbers against the pesky roaches, providing some solid underlying storytelling. You can take away the cocaine roaches, and there's still a solid story here. 

Though there are a lot of restraints, particularly budget wise, Parham tells a solid story, that personally, I'd say is worth checking out. He works really well within his means to make this work, when it probably shouldn't.  

I saw an unfinished cut, but feel once its cleaned up and gets to distribution, people that aren't afraid to take a chance, and aren't afraid of roaches, will find Cocaine Roach entertaining.

Keep up on the latest details about the Cocaine Roach release and more at

Keep the movies coming. If you have a film (extra points if its in the horror genre), and would like us to cover it, drop me a line at Just a heads up, people put a lot of heart and soul into their work, and that I don't like trashing peoples art, so if you send something and I don't like it, or think its bad, I won't post negative stuff. I'll just skip reviewing it publicly, but will gladly give you private critique. 

Besides this site, I dabble in voice acting/voiceover work, regularly contribute to genre magazines, and am best known for co-hosting a Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Award Nominated podcast called the Steve & Crypto Show. We cover pop culture and horror, with an emphasis on promoting and supporting creators, whether you're making movies, comic books, art, or anything else that pertains to horror, pop culture, and nerdy stuff! 

Listen and subscribe to The Steve & Crypto Show at or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.

I'm not as cool as I aspire to be...

Keep checking back in here too! I have lots more going on to share with you all...

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Steve & Crypto Show Episodes 134-138

We're coming up on springtime, and you know what that means...CONVENTIONS!!! The Steve & Crypto Show is already booking a handful of convention and show appearance throughout the rest of this year, with the first being Squatchcon in Port Angeles, Washington on March 23rd (We can only appear the one day, though the con runs all weekend for tickets).

We better get those of you who aren't, caught up on The Steve & Crypto Show, before we start dropping all the convention previews and recap episodes. Of course we will still have lots of great guests and the such, but Crypto Zoo and I will be doing some podcastin' "in the field".

Friday, March 8, 2024

Hammer Films Returns With Doctor Jekyll

The legendary Hammer Films became a staple of many a horror lover and monster kids film appetite over the years, with their "gothic" and "darker" takes on the classic characters like Dracula and Frankenstein, as well as many original stories over the years, before fading away in the 80s.

Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Veronica Carlson, and Ralph Bates are just a few of the many legendary names that spring to mind when you think of Hammer Films. They had a hell of a run, and now, under new leadership, Hammer Films is back, and might have a new name to add to that list of legends in Eddie Izzard.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Cool Projects 43

Every so often I like to drop a few current or upcoming projects that intrigue me, with my "Cool Projects" series. Whether it be a new comic book, novel, artist or film, and it falls under the horror and pop culture umbrella, I'm interested.

This Cool Projects edition, I'm going to feature a few movies that are in some stage of production or funding, featuring some favorite actors and actresses in the indie horror scene that I highly recommend. Lets jump right in...

Monday, January 1, 2024

2023 Comes To A Close...

Wow! What a year 2023 was for me. Lot's of highs and lows, especially towards the end of the year, but were gonna focus on the positive points.  Those of you who have been supporting me over the years in my ventures know how hard I have worked to entertain, and build a "brand" for myself. It's been quite a grind, to say the least.

I have to say, 2023 might have been my best year for growth in the entertainment industry. I've opened quite a few doors throughout the year, and want to share of list of highlights, in no particular order or ranking.

You know I work hard on my podcast, The Steve & Crypto Show, which is a focal point of a few of this years milestones on the list...