I'm going to keep this edition of Cool Projects short and sweet, in mentioning a couple of this weeks New Comic Book Day releases (Nov. 13th).
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Monday, November 11, 2019
Cool Projects #32
Since its Veterans Day, were going to dedicate Cool Projects #32 to a Kickstarter campaign from Top Cow Productions that I feel is worth sharing, and a wonderful cause!
Top Cow is running a Kickstarter campaign for its 'Vetranology' entitled SOLDIER STORIES to raise money for the United States Veterans' Artist Alliance (USVAA) with a 5 story anthology created by veterans who have served in military conflicts. Proceeds from the Kickstarter, after costs, will go to the USVAA.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
We Interview Actor David Dastmalchian About His Count Crowley Comic
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Cool Projects #31
Thanks for checking out Cool Projects #31. Sorry to keep you waiting so long, my friends! I was super busy with the Horror Host profile series. I really hope you enjoyed them!
Monday, November 4, 2019
Horror Host Profile #10: The Honorable Mentions
I'd really like to thank everyone, sincerely, for the support of the Horror Host profile series I did throughout October. Though it was very time consuming, and took away from posting much of anything else here (I do 99% of work here but always looking for contributors), I had a blast, and enjoyed doing this. Hopefully you guys come back the geek out with me throughout the year here.
Since there are so many great personalities keeping the theme of horror hosted movies alive, that it was impossible to feature everyone! This entry to thestevestrout.com is to give a little shoutout to a few that we couldn't feature due to time mostly. I'm also including a list of links to the first 9 profiles we did in an upcoming post to share, in case you missed some. That also gives you a chance to find and share them individually so you can enter to win the Horror Host prize pack. Extra points if you're a Twitter follower or member of our Facebook page and group!
The prize pack features autographed photos from the legendary Count Gore De Vol and Svengoolie, swag from The Horror Hotel show, spooky art prints from Meagan Richard's (https://www.etsy.com/shop/meaganrichards), DVD's from Mr Lobo and more!
This collection of prizes is pretty epic!
To enter, just share all 9 profiles around Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Just make sure we can see you by tagging us (@thestevestrout) or use hashtags #ComicBookSwapMeet and/or #HorrorHost. Sounds like work, but it's worth it for these prizes! I plan to pick a winner Saturday night, November 9th...ironically while Svengoolie is on the air.
Check out a few 'honorable mention' Horror Hosts:
Lord Blood-Rah
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Lord Blood-Rah is celebrating 10 years of horror hosting this year, and has had hosted 'Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre' for most of that span. You can watch his show syndicated nationally and online. Find all the channels and details as to where you can watch 'Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theater' at www.lordbloodrah.com and follow him on Twitter and Instagram by searching @LordBloodRah, and "like his Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/LBRNWT
Miss Misery
Miss Misery is the host of 'Miss Misery's Movie Massacre' which airs on multiple channels nationally and on Roku by searching 'Miss Misery's Movie Massacre'. You can keep up on the latest from Miss Misery through social media channels at Twitter: www.twitter.com/themissmisery and through her website, www.lastdoorwayproductions.com
Bobby Gammonster
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Bobby Gammonster is the host of Monster Movie Night, which has aired for 10 seasons. He's a runner up for the Rondo Hatton host of the year in 2018 and a Hall of Fame nominee for 2020. You can check out his website at www.monstermovienight.com and follow him on social media at the Monster Movie Night facebook page www.facebook.com/BobbyGammonsterHorrorHost
Zee Monsta
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Zee Monsta is the up and coming host of the Horrors Of The PNW anthology series, and supporter of the horror convention scene. Find more info on her series check out www.facebook.com/ZeeMonstaHotPNW. Give it a "like" and tell her ya heard about HotPNW here!
Again, thanks for following the Horror Host series. Hopefully you give some of these great performers we shared over the last month a shot, whether you're an old school horror hosted monster movie fan, or just now learning about these great entertainers. Now go share all the profiles so I can give someone the prize pack.
Stay tuned here at the thestevestrout.com year round for more nerdiness, and if you're interested in contributing and sharing your experiences and love for geekiness and fandoms, get in touch!
Steve Strout is the media mastermind (haha) behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return soon!). Follow him on Instagram at http://instagram.com/thestevestrout, and He can be reached for comments at ptcomedy@yahoo.com on twitter at @thestevestrout
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Thursday, October 31, 2019
Horror Host Profile #9: Svengoolie
Meet Svengoolie: Legendary host of MeTv's weekly horror hosted show!
Svengoolie is celebrating his 40th year as a television horror host! DC Comics is getting into the 40th anniversary celebration with a Svengoolie and DC superhero crossover event, which thestevestrout.com is especially excited about. This multiple time horror host of the year, and hall of famer can be seen nationally every saturday on the MeTv network!
Svengoolie took time from his show and very busy appearance schedule to participate in our profile series. Check out his Q&A and more:
TheSteveStrout: What inspired you to become a horror host and what were the biggest inspirations to your character?
Svengoolie: The biggest inspiration was my mentor and friend, Jerry G. Bishop, the original Svengoolie. Here in Chicago, I was a fan of his radio and TV work, and sent him some jokes, and material, strictly as a fan. He liked what I sent him, found out I was a broadcasting student, and invited me to a taping. I ended up working with him, and, after the show was cancelled,worked with him in radio. A friend then asked him about doing Svengoolie as a sort of summer fill-in show on a TV station- Jerry didn’t want to play the character again, but he decided I could be “Son of Svengoolie”. We had some false starts, and it didn’t happen. When Jerry was hired to do a morning show in San Diego, he asked what I was going to do- I told him I might pitch a local TV show. He then said, if I wanted to try to do the Son of Svengoolie, I had his blessing. I shopped it around, and eventually got on the air- ironically on the same station Jerry was on. I was inspired to use it as a way to do comedy stuff, basically!-
TheSteveStrout: What or how were you introduced to the art of the horror host world? (Yes I consider it an art form) What's your earliest memory of horror hosts? (Personally Elvira was EVRYWHERE when I was a kid, and there was stuff like the Cryptkeeper and late night horror flicks for example...I'm too young to have seen the legends besides through research)
Svengoolie: My earliest memory was, when I was about 4 or 5, in Chicago, on the station that got the Universal “Shock Theatre” package, there was a host- Terry Bennett, who played a beatnik ghoul named Marvin. I didn’t see him much- I wasn’t allowed to stay up that late, but saw him when we were visiting relatives. I barely remember much about him, but he seemed funny and creepy. Then, the next host in our area was Svengoolie, as I mentioned. He was the staff announcer on duty (live) on Friday nights- I had just graduated from high school earlier that year, and was watching for the movies, at first. He started doing funny re-joiners to the movie, and it evolved into his character, and went from voice-overs to actual video eventually.
TheSteveStrout: When did you debut your character?
Svengoolie: In June of 1979 on WFLD. This year is forty years that I’ve been the character. Even in times when I didn’t have a regularly scheduled show, I was doing the character for public and media appearances. I eventually got hired at WCIU, the U in Chicago, and when our company started the MeTV network, they put me on it. I became simply “Svengoolie” because Jerry decided “you’re all grown up- just be Svengoolie!”
TheSteveStrout: What have been some of your career highlights to date?
Svengoolie: Honestly, being seen all over the country, and having the show become a success nation-wide is the main highlight. Finding out that celebrities, people whose work I enjoy, actually enjoy what I do is another- I mean, who would expectthat Mark Hamill, Bill Hader, Gilbert Gottfried, special effects and make-up wizard Rick Baker, Robert Englund,and even Elvira herself would be fans?! And, the current “Svengoolie Meets the DC Universe” storyline, running in all the DC Comics, with the first chapter in the Oct. 30th books is a dream come true for a lifelong comics fan.-
TheSteveStrout: What is your personal favorite horror or sci fi movie, and favorite that you've had the opportunity to host on your show?
Svengoolie: I don’t have a single favorite- I like different movies for different reasons. At the top of the list, though, are the Universal classics- Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolf Man, the Mummy, and Creature from the Black Lagoon- which are also favorites for me to run- and the original “Nightmare on Elm Street” and “Halloween” as well. And I love the Ray Harryhausen stop-motionfilms.-
TheSteveStrout: Where can people view your program?
Svengoolie: Every Saturday night on the MeTV network- 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central. Chicago area viewers get an encore of the previous week’s MeTV movie the following Saturday morning on our local channel “The U”.-
TheSteveStrout: Since it's the Halloween season, what is your favorite thing about Halloween?
Svengoolie: I like the fact that everyone these days- not just kids, but adults as well- seem to enjoy putting on costumes and celebrating. It’s great that Halloween is such a shared experience for so many people- and a special celebration of the scary stuff that’s a part of my life all year long.
Be sure to visit Svengoolie's official website and follow him on social media at the following:
Twitter - www.twitter.com/svengoolie
Facebook – www.favebook.com/therealsvengoolie
Instagram- www.instagram.com/realsvengoolie
Svengoolie sent us some fun pictures to share with you all. He has some very familiar looking fans...
Hopefully you've been following all the great Horror Hosts in our series, and enjoyed them, ranging from up and comers to legendary characters who are sharing their love for horror, B movies, creature features, sci fi, and the best (or worst) in film. Also, be on the lookout on our social media for an awesome themed giveaway!
Personally, I'd like to thank you all for reading and enjoying this series of Horror Host profiles im putting together for Halloween, and many thanks to the hosts for taking their time to participate.
It's my honor and pleasure to share my love of the art of the Horror Host, and to share and promote these great performers with you. Stay spooky, my friends!... Steve aka TheSteveStrout
Steve Strout is the media mastermind (haha) behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return soon!). Follow him on Instagram at http://instagram.com/thestevestrout, and He can be reached for comments at ptcomedy@yahoo.com on twitter at @thestevestrout

Monday, October 28, 2019
Horror Host Profile #8: Mr. Lobo
Meet Mr. Lobo, Host Of Cinema Insomnia with Mr. Lobo!
Mr. Lobo has been hosting films over 18 years and hosts the wildly popular Cinema Insomnia with Mr. Lobo, while doing appearances at monster conventions and emcee'ing live movie screenings and so much more. He hosts his shows with knowledge and wit in the vain of the legendary Bob Wilkins, who happens to be one of Mr. Lobo's biggest inspirations as a Horror Host.
TheSteveStrout: What inspired you to become a horror host and what were the biggest inspirations to your character?
Mr. Lobo: I always loved movies and TV shows. I watched Creature Features, Twilight Zone, Night Gallery and loved having a companion or spectral narrator introducing me to weird worlds! There was a comic book called The Phantom Stranger, who would tell weird tales but them sometimes be part of the weirdness. The comedy sketches from Elvira, Count Floyd from SCTV and from all the fake hosts from Monty Python. Ed Wood and William Castle...the concept of the low-budget horror show showman.
All those influences and more came into play. I wrote for a magazine who did an article about Bob Wilkins, the host of Creature Features. We started producing revival shows with Bob that I helped produce and he encouraged me to do it myself. Years later, I worked at a TV station that had an overnight movie that ran 25 minutes short...I pitched Cinema Insomnia and the rest is history.
TheSteveStrout: What or how were you introduced to the art of the horror host world? (Yes I consider it an art form) What's your earliest memory of horror hosts? (Personally Elvira was EVRYWHERE when I was a kid, and there was stuff like the Cryptkeeper and late night horror flicks for example...I'm too young to have seen the legends besides through research)
Mr. Lobo: On an old fashioned tube TV as a kid in the 1970's, Free and over the air as God intended via TV antennas. Bob Wilkins was the host of horror films on TV in Northern California growing up. My dad watched, and I watched too to bond with my Dad, but Dad usually fell asleep in his recliner and Bob was the one talking to me.
He had a dry wit and would make hilarious comments about the movies. He was reassuring presence in the breaks when the films scared me real bad--and I was a shy, timid and those movies gave me bed wetting nightmares.
Rod Serling was so clever and always used his imagination to teach the audience something. I think the magnetic pole from my moral compass comes from The Twilight Zone. Some of his stuff was brilliantly Satirical.
TheSteveStrout: When did you debut your character?
Mr. Lobo: July 28th, 2001 on KXTV ABC (News10), Sacramento, Stockton, Modesto
TheSteveStrout: What have been some of your career highlights to date?
**On a side note, Mr. Lobo gave me the greenlight to trim his list of highlights, but I felt each and every accolade deserved to be noted...
Mr. Lobo: 18 years of hosting CINEMA INSOMNIA
I did a Halloween Special with Bob Wilkins from the Sacramento City Cemetery in 2002 that became a best selling DVD from Alpha Video
I did a Halloween Special with Frankenstein Vs. The Creature From Blood Cove in 2006 that had a broadcast footprint of 45 Million homes
Mr. Lobo was a visual inspiration for Scooby Doo villain Prof. Raffalo
Several appearances at packed THRILLVILLE shows in the Bay Area including a couple HORROR HOST PALOOZA's
Hosted 2 live shows with THE GHOUL in the SF Bay Area
Mr. Lobo was involved a scandal exploited by the show TMZ after he was verbally attacked with slurs by former WWE wrestler Chris Jericho
Mr. Lobo was a new version of Criswell in the remake of Ed Wood's Plan 9 from Outer Space called PLAN 9
Was a researcher and talking head in the Horror Host documentary AMERICAN SCARY
Interviewed fascinating celebrities Bruce Cambell, Elvira, Richard Kiel, Michael Moore, Sid Haig, Richard Hatch, Colin Baker, etc.
Series was seen nationally on satellite network UATV.
Series was on UPN superstation in Louisiana KEJB 43 in prime-time after THE OUTER LIMITS.
Wrote pages, acted, and directed scenes for TED V. MIKELS' ASTRO ZOMBIES M3 CLONED
CINEMA INSOMNIA and MR. LOBO are referenced several times on the Foamy Squirrel cartoon NEUROTICALLY YOURS
We made a song with Ron Dante of THE Archies for CINEMA INSOMNIA called "I'M WATCHING TV" that was played on Dr. Demento
Hosted Creature from the Black Lagoon and Dead Alive at The Bridge Theater with Elvira for PEACHES CHRIST MIDNIGHT MASS Special for MONSTERS HD
Emcee at SAN DEIGO COMIC CON Mascarade half Time Show in 2005. Also, at that con in 2009 helped present film EVERY OTHER DAY IS HALLOWEEN along with Count Gore DeVol.
For my 10 year Anniversary, I was specially acknowledged by ZACHERLE and KARLOS BORLOFF as MAN OF THE HOUR for the Indiana HORRORHOUND convention.
Narrator of 2 feature documentaries about Virginia Horror Hosts.
At MONSTER FEST I was presented with a giant framed poster of MR. LOBO's CINEMA INSOMNIA that hung in the Naro Video store, Norfolk for 16 years--till the store's closing.
Live four hour show with pledge drives for KTEH PBS--raised 4,000 for San Jose Public television.
Sucessful Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for 10th anniversary--raised $11,000 in 30 days.
Toured TROMA and interviewed Lloyd Kaufman for a special crossover episode of BESTOW TV's CREATIVE CONTINUITY
Appears in several award winning bonus features on MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER Box Sets for SHOUT!
Hosted HAUNTED HOUSE special sponsored by PINE BROTHERS for ZOM-BEE TV.
Regular guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and his 4.5 million listeners.
Provided Retro Punk Horror Graphics for Shudder original movie THE RANGER
Appears a recurring character on James Rolfe's CINEMASSACRE channel RENTAL REVIEWS YouTube series.
Co-Hosted a live ULTRA-MAN stage show for film fest and helped saved the world form Monsters.
Host of the BLOBFEST, a yearly celebration in the town THE BLOB was filmed.
Winner of the FORRY AWARD lifetime achievement award from the annual MONSTER BASH Conference in Pittsburgh
Launched his own retro weirdness channel and collective OSI 74 for ROKU streaming TV. 200,000 plays monthly.
Signed with ALPHA VIDEO OLDIES.com to distribute CINEMA INSOMNIA on DVD.
TheSteveStrout: What is your personal favorite horror or sci fi movie, and favorite that you've had the opportunity to host on your show?
TheSteveStrout: Where can people view your program?
Mr. Lobo: You can find 85 episodes on Vimeo and on ROKU channel OSI 74. You can also own several MR. LOBO's CINEMA INSOMNIA episodes on DVD from
TheSteveStrout: Since it's the Halloween season, what is your favorite thing about Halloween?
Mr. Lobo: It's a community celebration. It's the only holiday where you invite strangers to your house. Also a day where the strange feel more normal and the normal feels more strange.
Follow Mr. Lobo on social media at the following:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MisterLobo
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cinemainsomnia
Instagram: www.instagram.com/cinema_insomnia
Website: www.cinemainsomnia.com
Enjoy a teaser clip and more photos from Mr. Lobo:
Be sure to read and share all the Horror Host profiles, and share them with the hashtags #ComicBookSwapMeet and #HorrorHost to be entered to win our Horror Host themed prize pack!
Personally, I'd like to thank you all for reading and enjoying this series of Horror Host profiles im putting together for Halloween, and many thanks to the hosts for taking their time to participate.
It's my honor and pleasure to share my love of the art of the Horror Host, and to share and promote these great performers with you. Stay spooky, my friends!... Steve aka TheSteveStrout
Steve Strout is the media mastermind (haha) behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return soon!). Follow him on Instagram at http://instagram.com/thestevestrout, and He can be reached for comments at ptcomedy@yahoo.com on twitter at @thestevestrout

Sunday, October 27, 2019
Jet City Comic Show Recap
Jet City Comic Show has come and gone again, we had the pleasure of being invited to cover the show.
They celebrated their tenth year this weekend, October 26th and 27th, and though we were only able to cover one day, we managed to take in enough to remind me why Jet City Comoc Show has been one of my favorite events each year! I'm definitely glad I made it to the tenth Jet City Cimic Show.
I DID make more time to enjoy myself than normally, so this recap has a little more of a personal flair than normal. I think you'll enjoy it anyways.
On to the show...
Year ten was bigger and better than even, but still remained one of the most family friendly comic conventions around. There is a real focus on comic books and the creators, but there is something for everyone to enjoy, from celebrities, artists, toys, collectibles and so much more, without the over crowding and over pricing you find at other larger pop culture events.
If you checked out our recent Q&A with Jet City Comic Show producer, James Taylor, you probably caught the mention of the Buck Rogers 40th anniversary coinciding with this show. Well, Jet City played host to a pair of stars from the cult classic tv series in Gil Gerard and Felix Silla, which I thought was really cool. Although the show was a little before my time, I was personally excited to meet Felix Silla, for another show he acted in.
He portrayed Cousin Itt in the original Addams Family series, one of my all time favorite programs. It was a pleasure to meet and chat with him. He was such a nice guy, and very welcoming to fans. I must say, my Cousin Itt Funko Pop looks pretty awesome signed and makes an excellent addition to my collection!
The highlight of Jet City Comic Show every year is seeing old friends. The "nerd scene" here in the Northwest is pretty tight knit, and this show almost feels like a reunion. I got to chat with, be silly, and watch old comic creator friends work like Matthew Southworth (Stumptown, SpiderMan), Greg Smith (Junior Braves of the Apocalypse) , and Stefano Gaudiano (Daredevil, The Walking Dead) and make new acquaintances like legendary creator Rick Hoberg of early Star Wars comics fame. Mr. Hoberg is working on some interesting projects I'll be watching out for.
On a side note: We even got to meet Crypticon Ryan's new addition to his family! Congrats on that buddy, and yes, Alfred was with him too!
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Matthew Southworth, co-creator of Stumptown, which is now a hit tv show on ABC...proud of ya buddy! |
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Got Matt doing some sketches. He is one of my favorite artists and a good dude. |
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Stefano Gaudiano is another nice guy in the business, and another favorite. He is a veteran comic artist, best known for his long run inking The Walking Dead comics. |
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Greg Smith is a writer on the Junior Braves of the Apocalypse, and quite a character. If you ever meet him at a convention ask him how he knows me. It's a weird story...actually maybe you shouldn't. |
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My silly convention fam! My friend James carried that FULL long box around the convention hall for like 3 hours! |
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Even though Greg Smith shoots ewoks, hes still a good dude. |
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Got to hang out a bit with friend, site supporter, and podcasting personality, Mike Seibert. Check out Mike Seibert Radio, his show covering pop culture and more. He is a bit of a Transformers fanatic too! Follow his show at https://www.facebook.com/MikeSeibertRadio/ |
It's always great to check out the TV and Movie cars they display at Jet City too! This year featured a replica of Bumblebee from the Transformers franchise and Baby, the black 67 Impala Sam and Dean from the CW's Supernatural do their hunting in. Its gonna be a shame to see that show go after this season.
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I could have sworn I got more pics of Baby. |
Between the friendly attendees and cosplayers along with the amazing vendors and creators, this convention is one of the best and busiest, while still remaining very laid back. I really love the vibe. It's a great first convention for new fans, while satisfying the con "old veterans" like myself. Check out some photos from the day!
Busy busy!
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So many comic books, not enough time. |
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Fingers Duke makes some great screen printed shirts and stuff... |
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I finally got my Jeffrey Veregge 'Godzilla' shirt from the Fingers Duke booth! I cant wait to wear it! |
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Our friends at Prestige Worldwide is one of the best new comic vendors in the Northwest. Lots of great books. Aleays great prices. |
The Star Wars costuming groups always bring the coolest displays!!
Lego builders on point as always too!
Pretty good cosplays!
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Dark Helmet was one of my favorite cosplays of the day! |
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This couple was dressed to kill...see what I did there? Sorry, I couldn't resist. |
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Not a costume, but this dudes jacket was AWESOME! Hopefully he remembers to share the artist so I can give a shoutout. |
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My favorite costume of the day! This was fantastic! |
If you attended, tell us how your weekend at Jet City Comic Show went. If you didnt make it, you should really try next time! I cant wait to see what next years show brings!
One last thing for those of you who follow the site regularly...
I'd like to thank you all for reading and enjoying this series of Horror Host profiles im putting together for Halloween, and many thanks to the hosts for taking their time to participate.
If you havent read them, I urge you to check them all out, and please share them. I am giving away an awesome Horror Host themed prize pack to a lucky reader. Just share them ALL on social media and make sure we can see by tagging @thestevestrout and/or using hashtags ' #ComicBookSwapMeet AND #HorrorHost when you post. The prizes include art, autographs and more!
It's my honor and pleasure to share my love of the art of the Horror Host, and to share and promote these great performers with you. Happy Halloween and Stay spooky (and geeky), my friends!... Steve aka TheSteveStrout
Steve Strout is the media mastermind (haha) behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return soon!). Follow him on Instagram at http://instagram.com/thestevestrout, and He can be reached for comments at ptcomedy@yahoo.com on twitter at @thestevestrout

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