Yeah. I know I always say this, but THIS show is one of my favorites every year. Rose City Comic Con in it's fourth year, has grown leaps and bounds while still remaining one of the fan friendliest pop culture conventions around.
You should seriously join us at RCCC in 2016!!!
I had a great time catching up with old and new friends. This convention had a little extra meaning for a few reasons:
1- It was a chance to bring my sister and her boyfriend to their first comic con.
2- I got to see my good friend Jeffrey Veregge be a guest as an official Marvel Comics artist at a major convention for the first time. Jeff recently signed on to advise and do art for the new Marvel series RED WOLF. Congrats on your successes, my friend. If you dont know Jeffrey Veregge's work yet, check him out at
3- I had the pleasure of catching up with a couple celebrity friends in Grimm's Reggie Lee and Marvel Agents Of Shield's Brett Dalton (whom I recently interviewed if you haven't seen it yet: CLICK HERE). Two of the nicest guys you could meet. I've been lucky enough to become pretty acquainted with both and look forward to seeing them both again soon.
4- I met princess Leia herself! Carrie Fisher!
I got a bunch of pictures from the show here for you to check out. Thanks to Michael and Linz for some of the photos. Go follow Michaels's Funko Pop collecting adventures over at ...enjoy the pictures...
The light rail to or from RCCC...I don't remember? |
We're here! |
People! |
Michael aka @delmarcollects with Chewbacca! Follow him! |
Don't know why I was making this face, pre Agents of Shield panel? |
One of the nicest guys around, Brett Dalton! |
Photo op with Ward's awesome Brett Dalton fan group that have welcomed thestevestrout into the crew! Follow them on Twitter: @wardswarriors or #StandWithWard |
Dream car! This or baby from Supernatural. How bout both? |
Another dream ride. This one was put together by my friend Ryan Wells. He is a genius. |
Speaking of Ryan Wells. This Falkor and the following Chitty Chitty Bang bang Transformer are his handy work! |
Sorry for the blurry pictures, but here's my friend Kendra looking stunning In her Poison Ivy cosplay. |
You should follow her cosplay progress HERE |
She did do her first pro photo shoot with Ansen Photos too! Awesome stuff! |
Always gotta show love to the bro, Jeffrey Veregge! @jeffreyveregge on Twitter! |
One of my favorite artists, Erik Larsen, working on an issue of Spawn for Todd MacFarlane! Kinda cool seeing him come back and do some work on Spawn. |
Possibly the closest to a smile in any picture the whole weekend! I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Larsen a while back. If you mighta missed it, go check it out HERE |
Hanging with one of the best. Ani Mia! I really want to do a Q&A with her soon! |
For some reason, every picture I took turned out fuzzy. I apologize. Apparently I made dumb faces in all my pictures too...
As I mentioned, I added a couple autographs to the already MASSIVE collection! Maybe I should do a post about my collection someday? What do ya think?
Oh, apparenty I made dumb faces in all my pictures to
Thanks as always for the support! Keep it up, please! Here's the next couple shows I will be at, so be sure to come say hi and grab a button!!
Steve Strout is the media mastermind behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return in 2015). Follow him on Instagram at, and He can be reached for comments at on twitter at @thestevestrout