Since this should be the last 'Cool Projects' post before Halloween, I thought it fitting to keep things spooky to help get in the spirit by bringing you the 9th installment of 'Cool Projects'. Spread the word, and support these 'Cool Projects', as well as!
Blood and Gourd- Jenz Lund and D.H. Shultis
Blood and Gourd- Jenz Lund and D.H. Shultis

After checking out the first two issues of 'Blood and Gourd', I'm excited to share that issue 3 is on its way with the help of a brand new kickstarter campaign. To add more excitement to the series, comic writer Greg Smith, of Junior Braves Of The Apocalypse (Oni Press) fame, has been brought on as an advisor. Go track down issue one and two, then support this Kickstarter campaign to get this comic made. I believe issuse one and two are perks for pledges to the campaign, so head over to the Kickstarter page HERE
Malvolia's Halloween Special

He lures her with the promise of a sacrificial victim, with the intent of persuading her to sign on to his film, which doesn't go as planned. Hilarity and horror ensue, when Malvolia really gets the party going in her Halloween Special..Check it out. I got a few good laughs especially in the mind reading scene (you'll see)! I enjoyed this enough to share with you all. It's just plain fun.
Go check it out on Malvolia's YouTube channel at:
Go check it out on Malvolia's YouTube channel at:
And follow her on facebook:
Scream Or Die- Amber Palace Games
I also came across another Kickstarter. This one was for a game called 'Scream Or Die'. Amber Palace Games developed this dice game, suitable for all ages, and playable from 2-8 players. Though I haven't had the opportunity to play this one, it looks like a pretty engaging and fast place game, while remaining simple.
The thing that appealed to me immediately was the adorable, spooky little characters the creators developed for the game, featuring cute illustrations of many of our favorite monsters including vampires, mummies, and werewolves. Though it has been fully funded, you can still support and grab a copy HERE
You may have caught our recent shout out all over socail media about our new friend Ghouleena's show debut on The Monster Channel at Well her first show wen't pretty well and recieved one of the highest ratings on the online network! Well Ghouleena took the time out of here schedule for an interview with us, and we're going to share in the next couple days, so be on the lookout for that here at, and watch for Ghouleens'a next episode of her retro horror hosted show on The Monster Network (along with tons of other themed programming), very soon! It's going to be a ghastly good time (Yeah I went there...sorry)!!
Never Hike Alone Fanfilm- Womp Stomp Films
Back in 'Cool Projects #7' we mention a 'Friday the 13th' fanfilm that was about to be released by Womp Stomp Films. Well, not only did they release it, bu they made their great movie available to watch for free on YouTube. Were bringing it here for you to enjoy. Check it out, and go follow Womp Stomp Films and let them know your thoughts. Be sure to tell them we sent you! Enjoy the film!
Steve Strout is the media mastermind (haha) behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return soon!). Follow him on Instagram at, and He can be reached for comments at on twitter at @thestevestrout
The thing that appealed to me immediately was the adorable, spooky little characters the creators developed for the game, featuring cute illustrations of many of our favorite monsters including vampires, mummies, and werewolves. Though it has been fully funded, you can still support and grab a copy HERE
You may have caught our recent shout out all over socail media about our new friend Ghouleena's show debut on The Monster Channel at Well her first show wen't pretty well and recieved one of the highest ratings on the online network! Well Ghouleena took the time out of here schedule for an interview with us, and we're going to share in the next couple days, so be on the lookout for that here at, and watch for Ghouleens'a next episode of her retro horror hosted show on The Monster Network (along with tons of other themed programming), very soon! It's going to be a ghastly good time (Yeah I went there...sorry)!!
Never Hike Alone Fanfilm- Womp Stomp Films
Back in 'Cool Projects #7' we mention a 'Friday the 13th' fanfilm that was about to be released by Womp Stomp Films. Well, not only did they release it, bu they made their great movie available to watch for free on YouTube. Were bringing it here for you to enjoy. Check it out, and go follow Womp Stomp Films and let them know your thoughts. Be sure to tell them we sent you! Enjoy the film!
Steve Strout is the media mastermind (haha) behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return soon!). Follow him on Instagram at, and He can be reached for comments at on twitter at @thestevestrout