Magneto issue 6 and Moon Knight issue 5 reviews by Joe David Thompson
Even though there’s slim pickings this week (thanks holiday weekend), I’ve have two book picks this week (surprise! They’re not from Image!). Buried in the blitz of Guardians of the Galaxy related books this week are Magneto #6 and Moon Knight #5.
Even though there’s slim pickings this week (thanks holiday weekend), I’ve have two book picks this week (surprise! They’re not from Image!). Buried in the blitz of Guardians of the Galaxy related books this week are Magneto #6 and Moon Knight #5.
Magneto issue 6

But don’t be afraid.
book isn’t all Erik brooding and long monologues. With his powers weak,
Erik has been on a violent vigilante kick that extends to mutant on
mutant crime this issue, aided by his mysterious new helper with her own
axe to grind. Erik begins to craft a plot to create a “team” of his
own, manipulating the Marauders.
Fernandez pencils a meticulous reality, capturing both conversational
scenes and big fight sequences in stunning detail. The color palette of
Dan Brown is perfectly subdued to match the tone of the book. As
Magento’s larger arc begins to develop, I’m excited to see where this
book is headed.
Moon Knight issue 5
Ellis is a name you’re probably familiar with already. Planetary and
Global Frequency are two of my favorites of his work and are must reads
by all human beings.

Shalvey is a excellent collaborative fit for Ellis, able to render the
fights big and the subtle touches of character in equal measure. This
issue is light on dialogue, although the lines present are filled with
Ellis’ trademark wit. Instead, Ellis lets Shalvey shine on every page.
is Ellis’ and Shalvey's penultimate issue on Moon Knight and they’ve
had a great run. After issue six in August, Ellis and Artist will be
replaced by Brian Wood and Greg Smallwood, another great choice that
tells me Marvel is committed to keeping the book going.
Joe David Thompson has been doing media reviews for websites such as Red Carpet Crash and the 405 Music Blog. For any questions or comments for Joe David Thompson, you can email him at and follow him on twitter @jovid52
Joe David Thompson has been doing media reviews for websites such as Red Carpet Crash and the 405 Music Blog. For any questions or comments for Joe David Thompson, you can email him at and follow him on twitter @jovid52